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This is where you stick random tidbits of information about yourself.

Metamorphosis of Shamkahlo.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Today is the last day of 2008..
No big plan to countdown!
No more resolutions made...which were conveniently forgotten mid January..
No more big promises, which eventually become nought..
No more , no more..i will make any changes or improvement within my capabilities without waiting for the new year.



12:09 AM

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

After a semester in NIE, and almost 6 months out of ZSS..i finally transported my last baggage of barang-barang from the Art room..hehe. After much nagging, harping on, grumbling and griping from the Almighty V, the room is finally cleared of my possession..i hope.


11:57 PM

Monday, December 29, 2008
Exactly in a week's time, the new term will start in NIE. However being the blur me..i have forgotten to register for all my modules. Therefore, a personal time table was not make available for me..aiyah!! Anyway, i have to wait for the allocated add/drop timing next week to register for all my subjects...just hope that i wil remember this time round..hahaha


12:14 AM

Sunday, December 28, 2008

I wanted to make blading a weekly affair for the longest time..& i thought i will start this weekend. I mentioned nonchalantly last nite when i was chatting on msn..& SBS & PXY decided to join me in my pursuit for a more active lifestyle. SBS bladed while PXY cycled..& we have made another appointment to do it again next weekend.


11:16 PM

Saturday, December 27, 2008

My ex-cadets have been doing it for many years now. This morning I have decided to join him & contribute something back to the community. I am proud to be a blood donor now, apparently my 2nd time, the first being many many years ago when i was still a recruit during NS. I have also made another appoinment in donate some more...hehe.


10:24 PM

Attended a Bedtime Stories Pyjamas Party starring Adam Sandler with OPS, CPP & WL @ GV Grand last nite. All the patrons were encouraged to come dressed in their best pyjamas. I was all geared to don my monkey pyjamas but my friends were not sporting enuf..with " I dun sleep in pyjamas!" excuses...hehe..
Anyway, many came with families with both mummy & daddy in pyjamas & their children in fanciful bedroom slippers. I think its a good effort by the organisers to create an opportunity for families and friends to bond through such events.
Popcorns, marshmallows, cookies and hot chocolates were served, of coz i changed mine to ice teas..
Well, i enjoyed the movie very much, the company made it better. Next time i will definitely be in my pyjamas.


12:19 PM

Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Setting up a date to meet up & catch up among us was already a rather difficult task. Agreeing on a venue was another headache..hehee. We finally decided on a FishCo restaurant after vetoing on 1st, an Indian Fish Restaurant & 2nd, a Halal Chicken outlet. However, we were disappointed with the long wait, the bad service and the cold food that were being served..that we made a pact not to visit that rest. ever again.

Anyway, when OPS sms-ed me on change of venue for dinner, i made a lunch appointment to go to our 1st choice so that i wont be 'kempunan' for the fish head curry. Luckily i ordered the small portion cos my lunch companions were not really fish eaters ..& yes Mr Koh we will definitely do fish curry soon..or you will be kempunan..HAHAA


1:42 PM

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Right after I was accepted into U, I have decided not to cut my hair until the next practicum in July 2009. Since then, i have tried many hair accessories, hair bands, caps and recently I've purchased 3 beanies in the last 3 days, from Fox, Fred Perry and Animal, respectively.
However, ransacking into my wardrobe, I've found a Nike, an Armani, a Hybrid and 2 from Chatuchak Bangkok. They will definitely come in handy during my bad hair day..haa


12:15 AM

Monday, December 22, 2008

On Sunday, met up with Nic, one of my 1st artist. He sms-ed me, as promised after his As, to catch up on each others development. Wanted to catch a movie after dinner, but shopping was more appealing than spending 2 hours on a leather seat..haha. Anyway, there were just too many offers around & with the festive mood in the air..the movies can wait.

Knowing that he was out with me, his parents invited me for supper after closing their shop. We headed to ECP for grilled seafood, and with the sea breeze, everything just tasted delicious.


6:28 AM

My weekends have never been packed... and as the holidays coming to an end, there seems to be more activites and more appointments made. On Saturday, my good friend , LLS , decided to bring my nieces out again, since our last outing to the Zoological Garden 2 years ago ,when my elder niece was given a school project on the Zoo.

My nieces have been pestering me to bring them blading, so to the ECP we headed . However, the elder one decided to cycle with LLS while the younder chose to blade with me.

The beach was definitely very crowded & I have to take extra precautions as i assisted and led my nieces along the windy beach. And with 2 falls, my nieces cant wait to do it all over again..

Although the distance I covered blading was not as far as the two cyclists , all 4 of us were equally exhausted. Next time..we'll do it again.
Met up with KJ and IL later in the evening, cox they wanted to do some serious CNY aiming and targeting which is approaching fast. Frustrated, nothing caught their fancy that i ended up buying more stuff for myself...haha ..bad idea!

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1:23 AM

Friday, December 19, 2008
Met up with my eldest niece who just came back from Korea with my younger sister for a deserving snowy holiday. Similar to my case, my niece is also on a no-pay leave to pursue a degree. While i have 3 semesters left, she needs to clear a semester more before she is back to school to teach. We are definitely enjoying our holidays as student without the fuss of having to attend meetings, plannings, camps and etc etc..hehe.
Anyway, decided to meet her up for lunch after my Friday prayer, at a mall in the east, which is nearer to her home. Surprisingly, there were many halal makan places available there. We decided on this Middle-Eastern-inspired restaurant with very unassuming interior. There were not many sitting capacity inside this venue, so we decided on a table outside the restaurant..with warnings on hungry birds as table mats..hehe. The food were tasty, the portions were sufficiently huge and definitely worth my money.


11:07 PM

Thursday, December 18, 2008
We went to the Singapore Science Centre this afternoon..with Syazwani, Syahindah, Diyana, and Aleesya. It was definitely worth the trip & the girls enjoyed themselves very much.

They became a musician, an illusionist and scientist for a day..or simply being themselves having fun at the playground.


8:46 PM

Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Today is the day that my friends and i were supposed to back from our annual trip from a Land of Thousand Smiles.. but it was not to be. With constant nagging from my love ones about their fear of my safety...the uncertainty of their government..we decided to postphone our trip for a later date. However the new date have not been agreed on..we shall see how lah..


1:38 AM

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

It has been a really wet & cold day lately , but the irony is we were never allowed to be in the rain..haha. Anyway, yesterday we went splashy-sploshy without getting drenched, an excuse to get out of the house really.

..and before we got wet, we were playing Scavenger Hunt, taking advantage of the huge area of the mall...they were frustrated at times when they couldnt find the items but they never gave up!

..and of course the older ones prefer to be the spectators rather than the particpants, but they became more participative when we went shopping afterwards..


2:07 PM


It was a lazy Monday...nevertheless fun


12:33 AM

Monday, December 15, 2008
I went to check out the new extension of JP yesterday made the already huge mall even bigger with its higher ceiling. It was usually very crowded on a normal weekday, but yesterday being a Sunday, it was extremely jam-packed with with typical Singaporean checking out a new location. Anyway, i was there to replace my lousy 1.3mgp mobile & i felt like i was part of the NDP crowd..hehe..

Finally, I got an 8.0 mgp Samsung Pixon, after suffering with less that perfect mobiles for the longest time & it came with a pair of Mayday Concert tickets.
Obviously i dont listen to them, so anybody interested in watching this group perform at the Indoor Stadium next year, please contact me.
Maybe i can release these tickets to the most outstanding offer..HAHAHA


9:56 AM

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Was craving for a good sandwich on a wet and cold rainy weekend , when i decided to put what i've learnt from Rachel Ray into practice..hehee..

The results were quite impressive on my own judgement, i definitely enjoyed the sandwich very much. However as i was telling OPS the other day, although i have picked a few culinary trips from Nigella or Rachel, i am still NOT ready to let him, especially him, sample any of my attempts ... hehehe...Merry Christmas to u Sir!


9:45 PM

Met a friend for breakfast on Saturday morning..more like early lunch looking at the time..haha.. Anway, since I was out, i thought i go say hello to an ex-colleague from retail, who had since moved to another big brand. It was in a busy and crowded shopping mall, where Christmas shopping mood was definitely in the air, when i saw something rather familiar.. VERY familiar.

It was these beautiful red and golden christmas trees with golden ribbons that adorned the interior of the store. It was the MET shop. These were the same trees that i was responsible for when i was the VM for this store for my last Christmas project in 1998,before i decided to mould the future of tomorrow by becoming a teacher.
Well, they never really find another replacement after i left, they couldnt or they wouldnt, i wasnt really sure. Anyway, after exactly 10 years, my designs and my creative ideas are still deem relevant, made me very proud.

And in the merry mood of Christmas, i received my first Christmas present from my ever HC neighbour.
A very personalised red fluffy towel.
Thank you maam.


1:31 AM

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Alhamdullilah..praises to Allah.

I've received the results for my 1st semester final examinations. I was rather nervous when told that the results could be attained online.
Anyway, with an A and a couple of Bs, i was thankful.

Alhamdullilah diatas pemberianNya. Insya Allah akan aku berkerja lebih keras lagi untuk memberbaiki lagi keputusan ku bagi peperiksaan-peperiksaan yang bakal mendatang.


12:31 AM

Friday, December 12, 2008
I was heading to the east area with my sister yesterday afternoon when the we passed the old estates that we used to live some 20 years ago. We can still identify the building that our kindergarten used to be, the land that our 7-storeys flat used to stand and her primary school which has been converted into some community place. It just brought back memories..even the route that bus we were on , reminded me of the route i took to my primary school and later secondary school. My nieces were just looking on intently at the 2 siblings reminiscing the past in we told them about our childhood in that old estates that has definitely changed tremendously..with spanking new schools around and the new MRT line which will be operating soon. It reminded me of an episode of Oprah last week, when she featured Rick Springfield and Linda Carter of Wonder Woman fame, to her show. It definitely brought back good memories of the TV programmes of yesteryears when we only have 4 channels on TV. There were Channel 5 and 8, and RTM 1 and 2.

Rick Springfield was as big as Justin Timberlake

and Linda Carter was the poster girl of many horny army boys before Jessica Alba (born 1981) or even Jessica Biel ( born 1982) was even born..haha

And before Drew Barrymore assembled a politically correct Charles Angels in 2000 , these original Angels first appeared on our Tv screen in 1976...not so many year ago.

And before Jonas Brothers or Panic at the Disco , AHA and Duran Duran were climbing the music charts already...& some of their songs were being recorded by younger artists now.

Sometimes i feel that the good years are passing by so very quickly without us realising it..cos 2009 is gonna be here sooonn...


1:43 AM

Thursday, December 11, 2008
Millions of people in Malaysia have been banned from doing yoga because of fears it could corrupt Muslims.
The Islamic authorities of Malaysia have issued a ruling, known as a fatwa, instructing the country's Muslims to avoid yoga because of its Hindu roots.
To most people yoga is simply a sport - a stress-busting start to the day.
Malaysia's National Fatwa Council said it goes further than that and that elements of the Indian religion are inherent in yoga.
Announcing the decision, the council chairman said practices like chanting and what he called worshipping were inappropriate and they could "destroy the faith of a Muslim".

Malam semalam, rancangan Detik di saluran Suria juga ada menyentuh tentang Yoga serta kekecohan di Malaysia yang dikatakan mungkin boleh merosakkan akidah orang-orang Islam disana. Detik telah menemuramah seorang Ustaz dari Masjid Sultan yang mengatakan selagi yoga yang dilakukan oleh orang-orang Islam hanya bertujuan untuk kesihatan serta ketenangan, tanpa diikuti dengan sembarang jenis pemujaan , ia dibolehkan dalam Islam.
Ustaz juga menambah, ada perkara yang lebih penting untuk menjadi seorang Muslim sempurna, Insya Allah, daripada perkara remeh-temeh seperti yoga.
Saya setuju 100%!

Many wondered, me included, whether the energy the council, in Malaysia, expended on banning yoga could have been used to tackle BIGGER and more pressing issues, such as corruption and poverty!!!
Homeless due to the flood that happens every year without fail..looting after landslide in Bukit Antarabangsa..etc.etc..i rest my case!


1:38 AM

Wednesday, December 10, 2008
They are everywhere..magazines covers..movies...even their theme songs are climbing the charts all around the world.
The book of the same title has remained No.1 on the Young Adult Bestseller list for a few weeks now. Her other books are also on the same list, taking no. 2, 3 and 4 position respectively.
The book is of course, TWIGHLIGHT by Stephanie Meyer.

I have bought the book for my 11 years old niece a few weeks ago, & told her that she has to finish reading the book before i could bring her to see the movie which opens on 18 December next week. She was rather excited about another movie trip with her other cousins. Her younger sister, was also urging her to read the book at a faster pace so she too can read the book & catch the movie thereafter.

HOWEVER, the movie has been smacked with a NC16 rating..much to my nieces' disappoinment and many others of her age group in Singapore. My 15 years old niece who will be in secondary 4 next year, would also be deemed 'too young' to watch that movie.

So sad..i guess i have to bring them to watch another feel-good movie like...The Secret Life of Bees or perhaps Cicakman2 when it comes to a theatre near us....hahah..


12:14 AM

Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Tahun ini adalah julung-julung kalinya Hari Raya Haji diraikan 2 kali dalam setahun. Walaupun begitu, Aidil Adha tetap disambut dengan sederhana namun tak seperti tahun2 sebelumnya aku tidak menjadi sukarela masjid untuk upacara korban..mungkin takda mood.

Hujan yang terusan turun sejak fajar lagi, mungkin menyebabkan ramai kaum adam yang keasyikan beradu menyebabkan masjid di kediaman ku agak lengang, itu andaian ku sahaja.

Seperti lebaran yang sudah, aku terus ke rumah kakak ku untuk mernjamu selera. Walaupun ianya hanya Hari Raya Haji namum ketupat dan ayam masak merah tetap menjadi juadah wajib.

Pada Hari Raya juga, aku gembira dapat berjumpa anak-anak saudara ku, merapatkan lagi sirahturahim kami yang sememangnya sudah sedia rapatnya. Semakin dewasa mereka, semakin tua aku rasa diriku ini..hehe


7:11 PM

Monday, December 8, 2008
Received an sms from an ex-colleague yesterday afternoon.

An sms to apologise for not inviting me to his engagement the day before. According to him it was supposedly a small family affair that grew bigger than expected. He promised to include me in his wedding when it takes place in the future..hehe..

In my reply, I congratulated him and wished him all the best for the impending wedding in 2010.

However, on the topic of wedding, i read a very interesting and rather amusing article in the papers yesterday by TCW. The writer wrote that weddings have become a competitive sport now. He have gone to a couple of weddings, especially this being the year-end wedding session, and observed that one needs to be more special that the last. He concured that its only natural for couples to outdo others at the altar coz its a big day and nobody wants to have "just another wedding".

So he has decided, by the time it is his turn, he will do something that no one else has done before. He would have to eat fire on stage- make it eat fire on stage while rollerblading- then throw knives at his wife, who will catch them with her mouth. And since he has already put so much effort, he might as well train polar bear to be the ring bearer....HAHAHA..funny guy!

Somewhere down the road-he concluded in his article-he can imagine this conversation taking place with his significant other.

He: Why dont we fake a walk-in with music and smoke, but then burst out of a wedding cake.
Fiancee: I heard a friend of Jane's has already done that.
He: How about we step into a box and appear on stage the next second.
Fiance:Oh, John & Michelle did that at their wedding. He sawed her in half and put her back.
He: Okay! Why dont we call off the wedding?
Fianee: I dont mind, but Paul and Peggy have already cancelled theirs 1st.

Well, one thing im sure is my friend who sms-ed me would definitely have a simple wedding.
All the best to him.

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12:55 AM

Sunday, December 7, 2008
Dengan kehadiran Hari Raya Aidil Adha esok, lagu baru nyanyian Taufik Batisah & Hady Mirza yang diambil dari album terbaru Taufik sangat bermakna sekali kedangarannya.
Melodinya indah, senikata mudah difahami...akan aku cuba untuk mengupas lagu ini dengan seikhlas-ikhlasnya;

KEPADANYA - Taufik Batisah feat. Hady Mirza
Jiwa terseksa

Hina terasa
Berikan ku pelita
Hadirkan cahaya

Kekadang kiter merasa kerdil dengan segala cubaan yang dilemparkan daripadaNYA. Walau berat mana sesuatu masalah itu ataupun sengsara kita menghadapinya, selalulah bertaqwa kepadaNya untuk menerima pentujuk dan keredhaanNYA.

Ku masih tertanya
Kemana arahku
Untuk hidup di dunia
Beriku petanda

Kekadang kita kebuntuan dan pasrah apabila dilanda kergersangan hati & jiwa. Namun kewujudan kita di alam yang fanar ini patut menuruti ketentuanNya, mengerjakan apa yg diperintah dan menghindar segala yang dilarangNYa, supaya hidup kita sentiasa dilindungi dan dicucuhri rahmatNYa.

Wahai manusia
Sedarlah dirimu
Hidup di dunia, hanya sementara
Dekatkan diri padaNya

Seperti yang selalu diingatkan, kehidupan kita di dunia Allah swt hanya pinjaman sahaja, dari itu mintalah pentujukNya setiap kali kita berdoa dan bersyukur kepadaNYa.

Arahkan dirimu...

Dan bila kau tertanya
Kemanakah hala jalan, hidupmu
Ialah jawapan, untukmu

Acapkali kita terlalai dengan kehidupan dunia dan kepesatannya, bangkitkan kerohanian kita terhadapNya dan mohon doa agar kita sentiasa dikategorikan dalam golongan orang-orang yang beriman. Insya Allah.

Aku pasti lagu ini akan menjadi pilihan DJ radio setiap kali berakhirnya azan berkumandang.
Tahniah kepada Taufik kerana lahirnya album terbarunya.

Akhir sekali aku ingin mengucapkan kepada umat Islam semuanya


12:19 AM

Friday, December 5, 2008

My 6 years old niece was all excited about the trip that she woke up every other hour waking my sister up asking whether it was time to meet her uncle.
Anyway, my 9 years old niece, Indah, was really the guide of the trip, with the Park's map in hand, she directed us to the desired destination.

Many a time, my 15 years old niece's request, to rest or sit the shade longer was simply ignored..hehe..thats my girl!

WE have decided to go the Bird Park instead of the Zoological Garden because i have brought them there a few years ago. Also i wanted to go to the Lory Loft after i caught a Malaysian programme on the Park... i supposed that programme was targeted at foreigners since it was sponsored by STPB ..but i guess it attracted Singaporeans who do not really go to these touristy places.

WE managed to catch 2 bird shows, cos we were there really early..something i wouldnt normally do...HAHA.. OF coz, my nieces enjoyed the two shows very much cos they got to see the Birds of Prey like the vultures and the falcons at close view. It was simply amazing at how the trainers were able to train these birds..while the other show was more on beautiful birds like the flamingos, parrots and the hornbills. They flew so near and so low..we could almost smell them.

We refused to travel by monorail but chose to walk instead to explore the park that after 4 hours, we were really exausted. Luckily it started raining only after we left the Park. I am sure my nieces enjoyed the excursion as much as their uncle. It was really wondeful to take time off to spend some quality time with them.


12:18 AM

Thursday, December 4, 2008
My ex-cadets visited me yesterday afternoon. They were supposed to do some work..but we ended up having prata instead..hehe. I have tried many recipes lately by just watching TV & chicken curry is a piece of cake. But of coz they have to fry their own pratas..& ZW actually enjoyed doing just that for the rest of us.

..& for dessert, banana strawberry smoothie, ive learnt from FOOD 911...haha


1:14 AM

Wednesday, December 3, 2008
It was the boys' turn. Went out with my 3 nephews last nite, as promised. The movies that we wanted to watch were either NC16 or M18, while one of my nephew is only almost 14 years we have to settle for a PG movie...a comedy.

Anyway, we had fun shopping tho' when we visited the new spanking Nike Customised Store.

And of coz each of them had a customised Nike tshirt made, courtesy of their uncle...maybe we will come back for more..haha.


10:55 PM

Monday, December 1, 2008
I was down for RT @ Maju Camp yesterday, for not passing the IPPT..EVER! I dreaded it of coz. Anyway, upon reaching the venue, the PTI couldnt find my name in the computer...KNN..another wasted trip...although i was secretly pleased but i dun want to be fined AGAIN. I was told to call my unit the next day to reschedule my RT for another session. I have another 6 months of my window period..& until then i have Phase 1 and Phase 2 of my RTs & 2 attempts of the IPPT to be considered 'safe'..hahaha


2:59 AM

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